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Raid Afrique of 1973    
Raid Afrique of 1973    
Raid Afrique of 1973    


There are many precautions to be taken, beginning with the planning of the journey.
For example: it is unwise to travel alone, it’s better to have two people than three, not only for reasons of weight, but also for psychological ones as well. The ideal, of course, is to have four people and two cars.
Others considerations include the arrangement of the vehicle, where each detail counts: a white body lowers the inside temperature by several degrees; baggage or jerrycans on the roof increase fuel consumption, reduce speed, increase wind resistance and throw the car off balance...

Next come precautions to be taken on the spot: under no circumstances are you to bathe in a pond or backwater: you need to avoid bilharziosis, which is not a bad idea; don’t drink untreated water; don’t walk barefoot or even in light sandals in the bush, etc.

Driving through deserts, in particular the Sahara, is subject to very strict regulations designed only for your safety. You must inquire about such regulations and comply with them. For example, in the Sahara, you must notify your passage in the main “Dairas”. This allows a search to be organised in case persons do not show up at the next station. Many lives have been saved in this way.

Generally, use Michelin maps.
For more detailed maps, buy ordnance maps. In France, at the Institut Geographique National, 107, rue de la Boétie, 75008 Paris.

Many countries require vaccinations, and in many countries this precaution is absolutely essential.
Don’t forget to get information long before your date of departure from the relevant authorities (Embassy, Consulate, Tourist Bureau, Airlines). In addition to compulsory vaccinations, we recommend, in the interest of safety, a polio vaccine or a booster within the past year, as well as a tetanus vaccination in the past five years.

Attention: the tetanus vaccination must be given in three injections at 14 day intervals.
Smallpox has almost disappeared throughout the world, but certain countries maintain the requirement of a smallpox vaccination.

Validity of common vaccines:
• Smallpox: more than eight days, less than three years,
• Cholera: more than six days, less than six months,
• Yellow Fever: more than ten days, less than ten years.
For cholera and Yellow Fever vaccinations a urine analysis is required. Sequence of vaccinations (recommended by the Institut Pasteur in France):
• Yellow Fever vaccination
• 1st injection, Cholera (12 days later)
• 2nd injection, Cholera (8 days later)
• Smallpox vaccination (5 days later).

In European countries, the Yellow Fever vaccination can only be given in approved centres (ask local health authorities for information). In France, at the Institut Pasteur or one of its regional centres. Vaccinations for Cholera and Smallpox may be administered by your family doctor. In that case, you must secure a vaccination booklet, either from your chemist, or, in France, at the Arnet bookshop, 2, rue Casimir-Delavigne, 75006 Paris, and then have your doctor’s signature legalized at the Direction Départementale de la Sant6, 57, boulevard de Sébastopol, 75001 Paris, or at the prefecture of the physicians’s place or residence. If vaccinations are given in hospital or at the Institut Pasteur, (25, rue du DocteurRoux, 75015 Paris, tel. 306.19.19), no legalization of signature is required, as these institutions are authorised to establish international vaccination booklets. In the European countries, the international vaccination booklet is issued by local health authorities or hospital vaccination services, or, in Great Britain, by your doctor. In Switzerland, the Cantonal Health Office delivers this booklet upon production of a vaccination certificate.

Prevention of Malaria
Before going to countries where there is a risk of malaria, a dose of Flavoquine should be taken fifteen days before departure and repeated every fifteen days until fifteen days after your return; or during the same period take a tablet of Nivaquine daily.

First Aid Kit
All the following contents of a first aid kit should packed in a metal medicine chest approximately 20 x 15 x 7 cm. Rather than brightly coloured and dramatic disinfectants or 90% alcohol, which is too volatile, we recommend using a proven product, a bottle of tincture of iodine or iodized alcohol.

To this you should add:
- 1 roll adhesive plaster (5 m. x 2 cm.)
- adhesive bandages (large and small) - 1 tube aspirin
- Flavoquine or Nivaquine (100 mg.)
- medicine for intestinal disorders: Diarsed, Intetrix (Beau four), Ganidan
- salt tablets for hot and desert areas
- lip balm
- Alibour cream very important for regions where there is dust-and where isn’t there dust?
- for eye inflammations: antiseptic eye drops (ChibioBoraline) and antibiotic eye drops (Neomycine Diamant)
- for skin diseases: an antiseptic copper and zinc sulphate cream and a fungicidal cream (Dermocuivre and Tevaryl)
- 1 pair of rounded scissors
- 1 tourniquet
- 1 inflatable splint

In desert regions where existing water sources are scarce and far between, and in case of a catastrophe (prolonged immobilisation of the vehicle, water hole dry etc.), in the warm season, plan a supply of drinking water for a consumption of about 10 litres per person per day as well as a reserve of 5 extra days. Bring Hydroclorazone tablets for water disinfection. Katadyn pocket filter: reduces the action of various pathogenic agents, but, although it is easy to use, it requires pumping. The pocket filter produces about one litre of clear, disinfected water per minute. It takes up little room (length 25 cm) and weights 650 g. It provides bacteriologically pure water as long as its ceramic filter element is intact. The life of the element depends on the degree of pollution of the water as the well as frequency of use. For additional information, contact Katadyne France, 24, rue du Château, 94500 Champigny, France. Micropur: a water-soluble salt, chlorine-free, light resistant, a compound in which silver is fixed. When this salt is dissolved in water, the silver ions are freed and destroy any pathogenic bacteria which may have contaminated the water (disinfection). The excess ions remaining in the water protect it from re contamination (preservation). To treat small quantities of water: Micropur effervescent tablets sealed in plastic-coated aluminium foil. For larger quantities of water, use Micropur powder, sold in strong paper packets.

Personal hygiene
Contrary to what some people think, complete daily washing is necessary, if for no other reason than the prevention of many skin diseases, against which it provides the best prevention. In certain hot, dry regions (desert), washing may be done without soap to avoid drying the skin. Give particular care to folds in the skin, armpits, groin, etc. If need be, a complete “bath “can be taken with very little water by using the Sahara method: in a basin, rinse the hands, then wash the face, then the body, then legs and feet. Finally, use the water to rinse the day’s undergarments and to moisten the canteen covers to keep them cool.

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